Monday, April 26, 2010

Praising of Positive Actions

Praising the positive actions of your child with ADHD will greatly help in giving him/her the idea of what is the behavior that's acceptable to you. This'll make your child do things that'll make you happy.

You may use some kind of "Reward system" whenever your child is doing something that you expect from him/her. Or set-up some rules for your child to be more disciplined, to reduce his/her act of being hyperactive(e.g. running around the house). This helps in reducing your stress, as a parent, and it also helps in developing the behavior of your ADHD child. Remember that as a parent, it is your responsibility to guide the child of what is good for him/her.

For more details about this, read this article.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Comic Books Develops the Habit of Reading of ADHD Kids (And they Learn from it too)

Reading a comic book is one of the habits that kids usually do. They enjoy different characters, from action to comedy. But to focus on my topic, it greatly helps in developing the reading comprehension of ADHD kids.

An example is the case from an ADHD kid named, Natalie Marner. One comic book the she like, Out of this World. And she enjoyed it, besides she also learned from it for it has word searches, mazes, drawing and writing prompts, and secret codes to decipher. And this really excites her, for she can solve the puzzles or mazes right away. She even share her comic books to her friends.

Now, that we know this, observe your child well and try this strategy. It might help your ADHD kid develop his/her own skills.

For more information, click here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

An Adult Being Diagnosed of ADHD

Beaing treated as an annoying person, getting depressed, or even prone to conflicts with your family, friends and to other people. This might happen to you if you do not prevent ADHD in your childhood years.

One adult who was diagnosed with ADHD, is Zoƫ Kessler. After this, she finally found out the reasons of why people treat her in different ways, compared to others. But she accepted it and decided to just focus on her own strengths to face the future.

This case must not happen to your kids, for him/her to avoid the happenings stated above. So, while your child is young, have him/her checked to a doctor as early as possible.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


One characteristics that a parent should have in taking care of an ADHD kid is patience. A lot of patience is needed because an ADHD kid is always moving, and would not pay attention to what you always say. And if you have a high temper, you might get angry easily and do meaningless punishments, which is not good. With a lot of patience, you can easily understand why is your kid acting like this and that. So then, with patience, you can find different ways in controlling your kid though it takes a long period of time.

You can find more information of how essential patience is, in this website.